Monday, September 15, 2014

As Neo would say, "Whoa."


Synesthesia is an interesting concept. As I viewed the Wikipedia page, it defined synesthesia as, “a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.” It gives examples such as 1980 actually feeling further away from 1990, or numbers/dates having precise locations in space and time.

As I read this, I wondered if I was one of the” synesthetes.” I began thinking and realized that with number a lot of the times, especially addition and subtraction, each number is almost a ‘shape’ or ‘size’ that fits together perfectly with other numbers to create the sum or minus. The best example I can give is that in my mind, 4 just magically combines and ‘fits’ together with 6 to create 10. It’s an odd phenomenon I cannot describe. I’m not sure if this is around the same territory as synesthesia, but it seems plausible. Interesting stuff! Daniel Tammet is an interesting man and his ideas on perception from his writings blew my mind. I was still skeptical on the subject but his talks convinced me, and has actually kind of made me reevaluate my thoughts on experimental film. Before, I tended to dismiss experimental but now I see that they can have a more profound effect when seen through the correct lens.

Cymatics are one of the freaking coolest things I’ve heard about in a long time! It’s simply amazing to see that sound can have such an effect on so many things, even mundane items like a metal plate. I wonder how that could be used to manipulate film in an experimental way. Maybe it’s been done? Also, as a Christian, I believe that God created this rich, complex world we live in and when I see discoveries like Cymatics, it just strengthens my belief that everything is truly connected, and that God created it that way. So cool. 

Whoa indeed.

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