Friday, December 12, 2014

Ranking the 6x1 projects:

1. 16mm Film Manipulation
2. Rhythmic Editing
3. Bolex Shoot
4. Freestyle
5. Multi-plane Animation
6. Crowdsourcing

The reason I chose the 16mm assignment as my favorite simply was because of getting to play so much with actual film stock. I had never used it before and Travis and I's project turned out really, really cool and we had so much fun editing it. It was different from anything I had ever done and I am super pumped whenever I talk about it.

I chose crowdsourcing as my bottom spot simply because of it feeling like so much work. It took an extreme amount of time and outside help to finish all of it, and while the final product was beyond rewarding and awesome to see, I can't help but feel it was just too much, especially for a first assignment.

For the middle, I had a hard time deciding. I got to work with Travis again on the rhythmic edit and it was a lot of fun to shoot and probably the most unique editing experience I've ever had. I'm really proud of mine and the ideas I had.

The Bolex shoot was really cool but shooting on a Saturday was a pain, and we waited so long to present them I kind of forgot about it. However, figuring out the blocking of the take and the rehearsals gave me a whole new respect for being able to do as many takes as I want with a video camera.

My freestyle actually surprised me and turned out pretty well, and I think outside circumstances prevented me from enjoying it further, with being in the hospital and all. I seemed to lack direction on the project for a while.

The multi-plane animation was an awesome project with an awesome product but it was absolute insanity for my group. It took us way too long to finish and I felt very crunched for time. Because of that it affected my view of the project.

Overall I am really, really proud of the work I've done in this class and will always appreciate the new perspectives and techniques I learned.

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